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The Power of Awareness

Chapter 17


IT IS of great significance that the truth of the principles outlined in this book have been proven time and again by the personal experiences of the Author.

Throughout the past twenty-five years, he has applied these principles and proved them successful in innumerable instances. He attributes to an unwavering assumption of his wish already being fulfilled every success that he has achieved.

He was confident that, by these fixed assumptions, his desires were predestined to be fulfilled. Time and again, he assumed the feeling of his wish fulfilled and continued in his assumption until that which he desired was completely realized.

Live your life in a sublime spirit of confidence and determination; disregard appearances, conditions, in fact all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfillment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you are already what you want to be, for, in that determined assumption, you and your Infinite Being are merged in creative unity, and with your Infinite Being (God) all things are possible.

God never fails.

For who can stay His hand or say unto Him, What doest thou? [Daniel 4:35]

Through the mastery of your assumptions, you are in very truth enabled to master life.

It is thus that the ladder of life is ascended: thus the ideal is realized.

The clue to the real purpose of life is to surrender yourself to your ideal with such awareness of its reality that you begin to live the life of the ideal and no longer your own life as it was prior to this surrender.

He calleth things that are not seen as though they were, and the unseen becomes seen. [Approx., Romans 4:17]

Each assumption has its corresponding world. If you are truly observant, you will notice the power of your assumptions to change circumstances which appear wholly immutable.

You, by your conscious assumptions, determine the nature of the world in which you live.

Ignore the present state and assume the wish fulfilled.

Claim it; it will respond.

The law of assumption is the means by which the fulfillment of your desires may be realized.

Every moment of your life, consciously or unconsciously, you are assuming a feeling.

You can no more avoid assuming a feeling than you can avoid eating and drinking.

All you can do is control the nature of your assumptions.

Thus it is clearly seen that the control of your assumption is the key you now hold to an ever expanding, happier, more noble life.

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The Power of Awareness

Chapter 16


SELF-SURRENDER IS essential, and by that is meant the confession of personal impotence.

I can of mine own self do nothing. [John 5:30]

Since creation is finished, it is impossible to force anything into being.

The example of magnetism previously given is a good illustration. You cannot make magnetism; it can only be displayed. You cannot make the law of magnetism. If you want to build a magnet, you can do so only by conforming to the law of magnetism. In other words, you surrender yourself, or yield to the law.

In like manner, when you use the faculty of assumption, you are conforming to a law just as real as the law governing magnetism.

You can neither create nor change the law of assumption.

It is in this respect that you are impotent. You can only yield or conform, and since all of your experiences are the result of your assumptions (consciously or unconsciously), the value of consciously using the power of assumption surely must be obvious.

Willingly identify yourself with that which you most desire, knowing that it will find expression through you.

Yield to the feeling of the wish fulfilled and be consumed as its victim, then rise as the prophet of the law of assumption.

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  • https://www thepowerofawareness org/chapter-sixteen

The Power of Awareness

Chapter 15


THE ASSUMPTION of the wish fulfilled is the ship that carries you over the unknown seas to the fulfillment of your dream.

The assumption is everything; realization is subconscious and effortless.

Assume a virtue if you have it not. [William Shakespeare, "Hamlet"]

Act on the assumption that you already possess that which you sought.

Blessed is she that believed; for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. [Luke 1:45]

As the Immaculate Conception is the foundation of the Christian mysteries, so the Assumption is their crown. Psychologically, the Immaculate Conception means the birth of an idea in your own consciousness, unaided by another.

For instance, when you have a specific wish or hunger or longing, it is an immaculate conception in the sense that no physical person or thing plants it in your mind. It is self-conceived. Every man is the Mary of the Immaculate Conception and birth to his idea must give.

The Assumption is the crown of the mysteries because it is the highest use of consciousness.

When in imagination you assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled, you are mentally lifted up to a higher level.

When, through your persistence, this assumption becomes actual fact, you automatically find yourself on a higher level (that is, you have achieved your desire) in your objective world.

Your assumption guides all your conscious and subconscious movements towards its suggested end so inevitably that it actually dictates the events.

The drama of life is a psychological one and the whole of it is written and produced by your assumptions.

Learn the art of assumption, for only in this way can you create your own happiness.

The Power Of Awareness

Chapter 14


THE PRINCIPLE of "Least Action" governs everything in physics, from the path of a planet to the path of a pulse of light. Least Action is the minimum of energy, multiplied by the minimum of time. Therefore, in moving from your present state to the state desired, you must use the minimum of energy and take the shortest possible time.

Your journey from one state of consciousness to another is a psychological one, so, to make the journey, you must employ the psychological equivalent of "Least Action" and the psychological equivalent is mere assumption.

The day you fully realize the power of assumption, you discover that it works in complete conformity with this principle. It works by means of attention, minus effort.

Thus, with least action, through an assumption, you hurry without haste and reach your goal without effort.

Because creation is finished, what you desire already exists. It is excluded from view because you can see only the contents of your own consciousness.

It is the function of an assumption to call back the excluded view and restore full vision. It is not the world, but your assumptions that change.

An assumption brings the invisible into sight. It is nothing more nor less than seeing with the eye of God, i.e., imagination.

For the Lord seeth not as a man seeth, for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. [1Samuel 16:7]

The heart is the primary organ of sense, hence the first cause of experience. When you look "on the heart", you are looking at your assumptions: assumptions determine your experience.

Watch your assumption with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. Assumptions have the power of objective realization. Every event in the visible world is the result of an assumption or idea in the unseen world.

The present moment is all-important, for it is only in the present moment that our assumptions can be controlled.

The future must become the present in your mind if you would wisely operate the law of assumption.

The future becomes the present when you imagine that you already are what you will be when your assumption is fulfilled.

Be still (least action) and know that you are that which you desire to be.

The end of longing should be Being.

Translate your dream into Being. Perpetual construction of future states without the consciousness of already being them, that is, picturing your desire without actually assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, is the fallacy and mirage of mankind.

It is simply futile day-dreaming.

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  • https://www thepowerofawareness org/chapter-fourteen
  • Neville Goddard on effortless
  • https://www thepowerofawareness org/tag/the-effortless-way

The Power of Awareness

Chapter 13


Man's Perceptions are not bounded by organs of Perception: he perceives more than sense (though ever so acute) can discover. [William Blake]

HOWEVER MUCH you seem to be living in a material world, you are actually living in a world of imagination.

The outer, physical events of life are the fruit of forgotten blossom-times – results of previous and usually forgotten states of consciousness.

They are the ends running true to oft-times forgotten imaginative origins.

Whenever you become completely absorbed in an emotional state, you are at that moment assuming the feeling of the state fulfilled. If persisted in, whatsoever you are intensely emotional about, you will experience in your world.

These periods of absorption, of concentrated attention, are the beginnings of the things you harvest.

It is in such moments that you are exercising your creative power – the only creative power there is. At the end of these periods, or moments of absorption, you speed from these imaginative states (where you have not been physically) to where you were physically an instant ago. In these periods, the imagined state is so real that, when you return to the objective world and find that it is not the same as the imagined state, it is an actual shock. You have seen something in imagination with such vividness that you now wonder whether the evidence of your senses can now be believed, and, like Keats, you ask,

was it a vision or a waking dream?
Fled is that music... Do I wake or sleep?

This shock reverses your time sense. By this is meant that instead of your experience resulting from your past, it now becomes the result of being in imagination where you have not yet been physically.

In effect, this moves you across a bridge of incident to the physical realization of your imagined state.

The man who at will can assume whatever state he pleases has found the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The keys are desire, imagination, and a steadily focused attention on the feeling of the wish fulfilled. To such a man, any undesirable objective fact is no longer a reality and the ardent wish no longer a dream.

Prove Me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:10

The windows of heaven may not be opened and the treasures seized by a strong will, but they open of themselves and present their treasures as a free gift – a gift that comes when absorption reaches such a degree that it results in a feeling of complete acceptance.

The passage from your present state to the feeling of your wish fulfilled is not across a gap.

There is continuity between the so-called real and unreal.

To cross from one state to the other, you simply extend your feelers, trust your touch and enter fully into the spirit of what you are doing.

Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. [Zecharian 4:6]

Assume the spirit, the feeling of the wish fulfilled, and you will have opened the windows to receive the blessing. To assume a state is to get into the spirit of it.

Your triumphs will be a surprise only to those who did not know your hidden passage from the state of longing to the assumption of the wish fulfilled.

The Lord of hosts will not respond to your wish until you have assumed the feeling of already being what you want to be, for acceptance is the channel of His action.

Acceptance is the Lord of hosts in action.

The Power of Awareness

Chapter 12


YOUR IMAGINATION is able to do all that you ask in proportion to the degree of your attention. All progress, all fulfillment of desire depend upon the control and concentration of your attention.

Attention may be either attracted from without or directed from within.

Attention is attracted from without when you are consciously occupied with the external impressions of the immediate present. The very lines of this page are attracting your attention from without.

Your attention is directed from within when you deliberately choose what you will be preoccupied with mentally.

It is obvious that, in the objective world, your attention is not only attracted by, but is constantly directed to external impressions.

But, your control in the subjective state is almost nonexistent, for in this state, attention is usually the servant and not the master – the passenger and not the navigator – of your world.

There is an enormous difference between attention directed objectively and attention directed subjectively, and the capacity to change your future depends on the latter.

When you are able to control the movements of your attention in the subjective world, you can modify or alter your life as you please. But this control cannot be achieved if you allow your attention to be attracted constantly from without.

Each day, set yourself the task of deliberately withdrawing your attention from the objective world and of focusing it subjectively.

In other words, concentrate on those thoughts or moods which you deliberately determine. Then those things that now restrict you will fade and drop away.

The day you achieve control of the movements of your attention in the subjective world, you are master of your fate.

You will no longer accept the dominance of outside conditions or circumstances.

You will not accept life on the basis of the world without.

Having achieved control of the movements of your attention, and having discovered the mystery hid from the ages, that Christ in you is your imagination, you will assert the supremacy of imagination and put all things in subjection to it.

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  • https://www thepowerofawareness org/tag/subjective-control

The Power of Awareness

Chapter 11


YOU ARE free to choose the concept you will accept of yourself.

Therefore, you possess the power of intervention, the power which enables you to alter the course of your future. The process of rising from your present concept to a higher concept of yourself is the means of all true progress. The higher concept is waiting for you to incarnate it in the world of experience.

Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory.
Ephesians 3:20

Him, that is able to do more than you can ask or think, is your imagination, and the power that worketh in us is your attention. Understanding imagination to be HIM that is able to do all that you ask, and attention to be the power by which you create your world, you can now build your ideal world.

Imagine yourself to be the ideal you dream of and desire. Remain attentive to this imagined state, and as fast as you completely feel that you are already this ideal it will manifest itself as reality in your world.

He was in the world, and the world was made by Him and the world knew Him not. [John 1:10]

The mystery hid from the ages; Christ in you, the hope of glory. [Approx., Colossians 1:26,27]

The "He" in the first of these quotations is your imagination. As previously explained, there is only one substance. This substance is consciousness. It is your imagination which forms this substance into concepts, which concepts are then manifested as conditions, circumstances, and physical objects. Thus imagination made your world.

This supreme truth, with but few exceptions, man is not conscious of.

The mystery, Christ in you, referred to in the second quotation, is your imagination, by which your world is molded. The hope of glory is your awareness of the ability to rise perpetually to higher levels.

Christ is not to be found in history, nor in external forms. You find Christ only when you become aware of the fact that your imagination is the only redemptive power. When this is discovered, the "towers of dogma will have heard the trumpets of Truth, and, like the walls of Jericho, crumble to dust".

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The Power of Awareness

Chapter 10


I am God, declaring the end from the
beginning, and from ancient times,
things that are not yet done.
Isaiah 46:9, 10

CREATION IS finished. Creativeness is only a deeper receptiveness, for the entire contents of all time and all space, while experienced in a time sequence, actually coexist in an infinite and eternal now.

In other words, all that you ever have been or ever will be – in fact, all that mankind ever was or ever will be – exists now.

This is what is meant by creation, and the statement that creation is finished means nothing is ever to be created, it is only to be manifested.

What is called creativeness is only becoming aware of what already is.

You simply become aware of increasing portions of that which already exists.

The fact that you can never be anything that you are not already or experience anything not already existing explains the experience of having an acute feeling of having heard before what is being said, or having met before the person being met for the first time,
or having seen before a place or thing being seen for the first time.

The whole of creation exists in you, and it is your destiny to become increasingly aware of its infinite wonders and to experience ever greater and grander portions of it.

If creation is finished, and all events are taking place now, the question that springs naturally to the mind is "what determines your time track?"

That is, what determines the events which you encounter?

And the answer is your concept of yourself.

Concepts determine the route that attention follows. Here is a good test to prove this fact. Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and observe the route that your attention follows. You will observe that as long as you remain faithful to your assumption, so long will your attention be confronted with images clearly related to that assumption.

For example; if you assume that you have a wonderful business, you will notice how in your imagination, your attention is focused on incident after incident relating to that assumption.

Friends congratulate you, tell you how lucky you are. Others are envious and critical. From there, your attention goes to larger offices, bigger bank balances, and many other similarly related events.

Persistence in this assumption will result in actually experiencing in fact that which you assumed.

The same is true regarding any concept.

If your concept of yourself is that you are a failure, you would encounter in your imagination a whole series of incidents in conformance to that concept. Thus it is clearly seen how you, by your concept of yourself, determine your present, that is, the particular portion of creation which you now experience, and your future, that is, the particular portion of creation which you will experience.

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The Power of Awareness

Chapter 9


And all mine are thine, and thine are mine. John 17:10

Thrust in thy sickle, and reap; for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe. Revelation 14:15

ALL IS yours. Do not go seeking for that which you are. Appropriate it, claim it, assume it.

Everything depends upon your concept of yourself. That which you do not claim as true of yourself cannot be realized by you.

The promise is,

Whosoever hath, to him it shall be given, and he shall have more abundance; but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that which he seemeth to have. [Approx., Matthew 25:29; Luke 8:18]

Hold fast, in your imagination, to all that is lovely and of good report, for the lovely and the good are essential in your life if it is to be worthwhile.

Assume it. You do this by imagining that you already are what you want to be – and already have what you want to have.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. [Proverbs 23:7]

Be still and know that you are that which you desire to be, and you will never have to search for it.

In spite of your appearance of freedom of action, you obey, as everything else does, the law of assumption.

Whatever you may think of the question of free will, the truth is your experiences throughout your life are determined by your assumptions – whether conscious or unconscious.

An assumption builds a bridge of incidents that lead inevitably to the fulfillment of itself.

Man believes the future to be the natural development of the past.

But the law of assumption clearly shows that this is not the case.

Your assumption places you psychologically where you are not physically; then your senses pull you back from where you were psychologically to where you are physically.

It is these psychological forward motions that produce your physical forward motions in time.

Precognition permeates all the scriptures of the world.

In my Father's house are many mansions; If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself: that where I am, there ye may be also... And now I have told you before it came to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe. John 14:2,3; 29

The "I" in this quotation is your imagination, which goes into the future, into one of the many mansions.

Mansion is the state desired... telling of an event before it occurs physically is simply feeling yourself into the state desired until it has the tone of reality.

You go and prepare a place for yourself by imagining yourself into the feeling of your wish fulfilled.

Then, you speed from this state of the wish fulfilled – where you have not been physically – back to where you were physically a moment ago. Then, with an irresistible forward movement, you move forward across a series of events to the physical realization of your wish, that where you have been in imagination, there you will be in the flesh also.

Unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.
Ecclesiastes 1:7

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The Power of Awareness

Chapter 8


There is no coal of character so dead that it will not glow and flame if but slightly turned.

Resist not evil.

Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. [Matthew 5:39]

THERE IS a great difference between resisting evil and renouncing it. When you resist evil, you give it your attention; you continue to make it real. When you renounce evil, you take your attention from it and give your attention to what you want. Now is the time to control your imagination and

Give beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord that He might be glorified. [Approx., Isaiah 61:3]

You give beauty for ashes when you concentrate your attention on things as you would like them to be rather than on things as they are.

You give joy for mourning when you maintain a joyous attitude regardless of unfavorable circumstances. You give praise for the spirit of heaviness when you maintain a confident attitude instead of succumbing to despondency.

In this quotation, the Bible uses the word tree as a synonym for man. You become a tree of righteousness when the above mental states are a permanent part of your consciousness. You are a planting of the Lord when all your thoughts are true thoughts.

He is “I AM” as described in Chapter One. “I AM” is glorified when your highest concept of yourself is manifested.

When you have discovered your own controlled imagination to be your saviour, your attitude will be completely altered without any diminution of religious feeling, and you will say of your controlled imagination,

Behold this vine. I found it a wild tree, whose wanton strength had swollen into irregular twigs. But I pruned the plant and it grew temperate in its vain expense of useless leaves, and knotted as you see into these clean full clusters to repay the hand that wisely wounded it. [Robert Southey, "Thalaba the Destroyer"]

By vine is meant your imagination, which, in its uncontrolled state, expends its energy in useless or destructive thoughts and feelings. But you, just as the vine is pruned by cutting away its useless branches and roots, prune your imagination by withdrawing your attention from all unlovely and destructive ideas and concentrating on the ideal you wish to attain.

The happier, more noble life you will experience will be the result of wisely pruning your own imagination.

Yes, be pruned of all unlovely thoughts and feelings, that you may

Think truly, and thy thoughts shall the world's famine feed; Speak truly, and each word of thine shall be a fruitful seed; Live truly, and thy life shall be a great and noble creed. [Horatio Bonar, "Hymns of Faith and Hope"]

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